Baker & McKenzie
- კონტაქტი:
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- Baker & McKenzie
- სამუშაო ენები:
- ქართული
- სამუშაო რეგიონი:
- თბილისი
საადვოკატო ლიცენზია:
სამოქალაქო, ადმინისტრაციული სამართალი
სისხლის სამართალი
სასამართლო პროცესების რაოდენობა : 0
ინფორმაცია კომპანიაზე:
Baker & McKenzie defined the global law firm in the 20th century, and we are redefining it to meet the challenges of the global economy in the 21st .We bring to matters the instinctively global perspective and deep market knowledge and insights of more than 12,000 people in 77 offices worldwide. We have a distinctive global way of thinking, working and behaving – "fluency" – across borders, issues and practices.
We understand the challenges of the global economy because we have been at the forefront of its evolution. Since 1949, we have advised leading corporations on the issues of today’s integrated world market. We have cultivated the culture, commercial pragmatism and technical and interpersonal skills required to deliver world-class service tailored to the preferences of world-class clients worldwide.
Ours is a passionately collaborative community of 60 nationalities. We have the deep roots and knowledge of the language and culture of business required to address the nuances of local markets worldwide. And our culture of friendship and broad scope of practice enable us to navigate complexity across issues, practices and borders with ease.
სამუშაო გამოცდილება:
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